Sunday 10 March 2019

Top 10 Secret SUPER WEAPONS by Hitler

Top 10 Secret SUPER WEAPONS by Hitler

The Sonic Cannon: If you were hoping for a weapon which fired sassy, tiny blue hedgehogs then prepare to be equally disappointed and frightened. In the early 1940’s Nazi engineers developed a sonic cannon that could rip you apart without you ever knowing what the hell was going on. Tubes containing methane and oxygen were ignited to pulse-detonate two parabolic dishes at around 44Hz. Following me so far? Let’s simplify it. This machine could create sound waves so aggressive they would render your kidneys, liver and spleen into a human marinara. The rapid compression and release of organ tissue and fluids barely affected the heart, stomach and intestines, but that’s no great comfort when the rest of your inside parts are rapidly dribbling out of your anus

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